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Langkah pertama download openoffice di Sini. Jika sudah selesai ubah nama file download dengan openoffice.tar.gz agar mudah diingat. Masuk ke direktori download dengan perintah “cd Downloads” kemudian ekstrak file tersebut menggunakan perintah berikut :
tar -xzf openoffiice.tar.gz

Setelah file " openoffice.tar.gz" selesai di ekstrak masuk ke direktori [folder ekstrak openoffice]/DEBS. Jika nama Folder hasil ekstrak adalah " un-US ", maka jalankan perintah berikut :
cd Downloads/en-US/DEBS/

Maka kita sudah berada di direktori DEBS, install file deb menggunakan perintah berikut :
dpkg -i *.deb
Setelah selesai, jangan tutup terminal, pada langkah ini open office berintegrasi pada menu aplikasi. Masuk ke direktori esktop-integration dengan perintah berikut :
cd desktop-integration
Perintah terakhir adalah menginstal menu file deb dengan perintah berikut :
dpkg -i *.deb
 Tunggu sampai selesai, enjoy it !! -

1. The ways to install LibreOffice on Kali Linux is not much different from the how to install LibreOffice on backtrack. First you must download source of LibreOffice from http://www.libreoffice.org/download/. And than extract it using command below :
tar -xzf LibreOffice*.tar.gz
2. After tar.gz file was extracted, enter on the directory [LibreOffice dir extracted]/DEBS. If the name of directory extracted like this "LibreOffice_4.3.1_Linux_x86-64_deb", so follow the below
cd LibreOffice_4.3.1_Linux_x86-64_deb/DEBS/
3. If you are already on the DEBS directory, install the deb file. Usre this command
dpkg -i *.deb
4. After it, dont close your shell terminal, this step will make the LibreOffice are integration in the aplication menu. Go to on desktop-integration dir.
cd desktop-integration
5. And the last command, install the menus deb file using this command below
dpkg -i *.deb
Wait until that proccess finish, enjoy it !! - See more at: http://www.paperforshare.tk/2014/09/how-to-install-libreoffice-on-kali-linux-backtrack-debian-ubuntu.html#sthash.VoGMBwn8.dpuf